Training Philosophy

A training philosophy suited for the domestic warrior.

The warrior’s call.

The term “warrior” conjures up an image of a capable person characterized by a strong body and a sharp mind; a storied hero that might be tasked with slaying a sea monster before embarking on a long voyage home across a vast expanse.  The modern iteration of the term “warrior” is more a domesticated sort, however; probably more apt to slay a keyboard instead of a sea monster, and more likely to sit in traffic instead of voyaging across a vast expanse.  Likewise, our human experience no longer requires us to hunt and gather food, make our own goods, or even leave the house to obtain essentials.  The domestic warrior is a slave to routine complete with lackluster antagonists such as stress, anxiety, obesity, and hypertension. 

Slay the beast.

The convenience offered by digital technology has equipped us to be more productive, but with its increased pervasiveness, technology has come to command the bulk of our time. Digital media, attention economy, and behavioral targeting serve as the sirens in our contemporary story. But no matter how cerebral our species has become, our biological nature invariably demands a balance of regular physical effort. The biological requisite for physicality is evidenced in our own lives when our sedentary habits give way to undesirable changes in our body composition, our functionality, and our health. We owe it to our DNA to be physical.

Recognizing time is limited and our capacity for effort is finite, gym time is most productively spent resistance training. Moreover, resistance training using a barbell has the greatest impact on your global health over any other single implement found in the gym.

Barbell training benefits:
-Balance and Coordination
-Spatial awareness
-Bone health
-Joint health
-Cardiovascular health
-Insulin Sensitivity
-Cognitive function

A prosperous journey.

Strength training with a barbell is simple, requires minimal equipment, and can be done independently. And to top it all off, strength training is enjoyable! Your progression in strength will translate to every other aspect of your fitness and health.  Daily tasks will become noticeably easier and the general feeling of vigor will boost confidence. Consequently my mission as a strength coach is to teach trainees how to safely and effectively perform fundamental barbell exercises, provide them a training plan that yields measurable results, and equip them with the tools to set out on their own fitness journey.

<Click here for training templates>