The Enigmatic Barbell
a person or thing that is mysterious, puzzling, or difficult to understand.
The Enigmatic Barbell
The barbell is the most misunderstood and most underutilized implement in the gym. This mysterious piece of machined steel, when used correctly, contains the power to transform not only a trainee’s physicality, but also his/her psyche. Even though most people over the age of 12 can physically pick up a barbell, few know how to unleash the extent of its potential.
Gravity expresses an indiscriminate and unrelenting pull on us all. The strength trainee’s mission is to overcome gravity’s grip on a loaded barbell by expressing an even greater force against it. As unsophisticated as this concept may seem, there is a measure of virtuosity that goes into effectively expressing force against a barbell …and not falling over. The mechanical efficiency that the barbell demands, coupled with the quantitative gains in strength, produce a personal challenge unmatched by other fitness disciplines.
The barbell is brutally honest, but incredibly empowering. Barbell training has a unique ability to mature the youth, and at the same time, reinvigorate the aged. It can provide a physical advantage to the dedicated athlete with average genetics over the complacent athlete with gifted genetics. Barbell training instills personal confidence for those lacking, and provides a dose of humility to those that have themselves fooled. It has the capacity to reveal character and to shape it. The barbell is an intriguing tool that should not be dismissed as an instrument reserved for “gym bros". Resistance training with a barbell will revolutionize your global health; it works for everyone; the next chapter of your fitness journey starts here.
“Civilize the mind, but make savage the body.”
-Chinese Proverb